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From Paperwork to Performance:
How Morguard Achieves Digital Contract Management Excellence with IntelAgree.



"Often, there's a mismatch and lack of understanding between a business customer and a technology vendor where they may not be speaking the same language. But we've found that all of the things IntelAgree said they had — or were going to have — they've delivered on"

- Beverly Flynn, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary, Morguard



Morguard is a comprehensive real estate firm with 45 years of experience owning, managing, and investing in diversified, high-quality assets across North America, currently valued at $18.8 billion. The company operates three business lines: real property investments, real estate investment trusts, and advisory and investment services.

Key Results.


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Enabling Efficiency: Revamping Contract Processes with IntelAgree

Improving Contract Governance with Real-Time Insights

From Manual to Modern: Accelerating Contracts with Co-Editing and Autonomy


When manual processes become a bottleneck, it's time to evolve. This is how Morguard, a leading real estate company, knew it was time to upgrade from outdated, time-consuming contract management to AI-based CLM software.

Before IntelAgree, Morguard's process was heavily dependent on manual work, with law clerks and lawyers painstakingly turning emails and intake forms into legal documents. Tracking these documents across different teams and platforms was a daunting task that involved manually updating Microsoft Excel sheets and uncertainty about where contracts were stored. 

Beverley Flynn, Morguard's Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary, was among the first to realize that change was necessary. She chose IntelAgree as a way to empower her team to handle low-risk contracts independently while staying within the company's parameters.

Now, simple contracts are completed in a fraction of the time with standardized templates and automated approval workflows. And for Flynn, this newfound autonomy — coupled with the ability to schedule reports and conduct granular searches within IntelAgree — allows her to stay proactive about contracts without having to micro-manage every document.  With a digital contract management process, she has more control over where documents are stored and how they are maintained.





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Lack of Autonomy for Teams Generating Low-Risk Contracts

Difficulty Tracking Contract Approvals Across Teams

Delays Caused by Manual, Time-Consuming Processes

Uncertainty About Location and or Authenticity of Documents


Enabling Efficiency: Revamping Digital Contract Management Processes with IntelAgree 

Morguard, facing a massive migration of 20,000 contracts, looked at implementation as an opportunity to redefine their contract management process. Starting from scratch, IntelAgree guided Morguard through the initial contract markups and educated the team about IntelAgree's functionality and how it could be molded to fit their business model. "We needed our documents to be driven by properties, not owners," said Flynn. "Our system is based on this model, with each building having its own name and number. IntelAgree understood this and created special fields for us, allowing us to maintain our existing business model rather than adjusting it to fit theirs. That was really helpful." 

Morguard didn't simply implement CLM software — they teamed up with IntelAgree to master the system and make essential workflow improvements. This joint effort streamlined their approval process, freeing senior staff from document approvals and enabling them to gather valuable insights from regular reports. "I asked senior leaders about the necessity of approving certain things, and many were worried they'd lose insight without this step," said Flynn. "We managed to remove their approvals and replace them with regular reports, so they could reclaim their time but still have visibility."

Training and real-time support from IntelAgree were also pivotal for the successful adoption of the platform. The initial onboarding focused on the office industrial leasing team, launching with 20 to 25 contract templates plus partial templates. Even though Morguard is largely self-supported now, they continue to rely on IntelAgree for ongoing training and updates, reinforcing the enduring value of this partnership. "IntelAgree was delivered as promised, which isn't always the case," said Flynn. "Often, there's a mismatch and lack of understanding between a business customer and a technology vendor where they may not be speaking the same language. But we've found that all of the things IntelAgree said they had — or were going to have — they've delivered on."


Improving Contract Governance with Real-Time Insights

Before IntelAgree, it was difficult for Morguard to stay on top of their contract activity without an efficient system. Now, users can generate reports highlighting critical metrics like contracts executed within the last 30 or 90 days — all in just a few clicks. 

The specialty leasing group in particular appreciates this new transparency, especially as they handle short-term, low-level leases for mall kiosks and pop-ups. These deals, often completed by junior staff, used to be paper-intensive and lacked corporate oversight until reflected in financial statements, which could take over a month. But with IntelAgree, the team can complete hundreds of these deals quickly and digitally, providing real-time insights into activities before rent is even paid. 

Thanks to IntelAgree's granular search functionality and executive summaries, Morguard was also able to ditch manual document trackers on disparate platforms and in varying formats. Instead, all the necessary documents, attachments, comments, and other vital contract details are centralized and accessible in a single platform, making it easier to monitor and analyze contracts at scale. "The visibility gives us a more comprehensive understanding of every aspect of our contract management," said Flynn. "Whether it's analyzing the various ways certain clauses are being drafted, or assessing team workloads, I love all the data and analytics we can extract."


From Manual to Modern: Accelerating Contracts with Co-Editing and Autonomy

IntelAgree's “in platform” co-editing feature significantly boosted Morguard’s operational speed and efficiency — a crucial advantage given their frequent need for rapid document collaboration and finalization. "Because we often collaborate on documents with time constraints, co-editing gives us the ability to finalize documents without delays," said Flynn. "Whether it's being sent out for signature or for internal approvals, co-editing allows us to turn documents around faster."

The digitization of contracts through IntelAgree also marked a pivotal step in Morguard's transition to a paperless operation. Previously, contracts were often physically circulated within the company for approval and signatures. But with IntelAgree, Morguard has reduced both paper usage and duplicate work. "Before, we had different people typing the same information over and over again for every deal," said Flynn. "IntelAgree has eliminated that completely with its intake forms and ability to pre-populate data from existing documents. We love being able to pull data over from a lease, an amendment, an assignment, or any number of documents."

For simpler contracts, the time-to-completion has been reduced to a fraction of what it used to be with IntelAgree's self-service contract creation. Business users can now respond to straightforward legal questions and generate ready-for-signature documents in real-time. This feature doesn't just save valuable time – it also empowers individuals to handle simpler contracts independently, without constantly relying on legal intervention while also gathering key information that legal needs.

Given the success of IntelAgree's initial launch, Flynn plans to expand IntelAgree's digital contract management to other departments at Morguard. "In our industry, in real estate, they tend to market tools specifically designed for us," said Flynn. "I made the decision early on that a tool like that would be too limiting and inflexible with how our business is set up, so instead we chose IntelAgree -- and we're very happy with our decision. We're happy with IntelAgree's ongoing support, responsiveness, new features…we're just big fans."

Looking to optimize your digital contract management and drive business growth? Schedule a free demo today, and take the first step toward contract management excellence with IntelAgree.


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