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How Automation & AI Decrease Contract Management Costs

Companies Struggle with Revenue and Cost Management

Many companies experience unnecessarily high costs and mismanage revenue due to inefficient contract management operations.

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According to Model N’s 2020 State of Revenue Report:


82% of executives say revenue management is an increasing challenge

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98% of executives say they face some sort of revenue management challenge

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According to the IACCM:


Poor contract management costs companies 9% when it comes to their bottom line

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According to the Harvard Business Review:


Ultimately, inefficient contracts lead to a 5-40% loss of value on any given deal


Most Companies Don’t Take Full Advantage of CLM Platforms

Even when companies have implemented CLM software, they often don't take advantage of its full capabilities and likely use a vendor that doesn't give them a complete repertoire of functions.


According to deloitte:


65% of companies use some form of contract management solutions, including applications or home-grown variations


According to cloc:


45% of companies indicate that they are looking into AI solutions to reduce legal workload and improve performance


While most companies use their contract management solution in similar ways, there are a few features of a CLM system of which most companies do not take advantage:

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Defined and automated workflows

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Functionality to search for key terms, dates, and clauses

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Assembling contracts from a clause library

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Key Indicators that AI and Automation Reduce Costs

By using an intelligent CLM platform that includes automation and AI, the opportunities to save time and reduce costs are exponential and endless.

Are you ready to take the leap to using AI and automation to streamline your contract management process? Schedule a demo with IntelAgree to learn how.