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Command Alkon Reduces Contract Turnaround Time with IntelAgree’s CLM Software.


"IntelAgree was able to read the contracts and turn them around faster. The next closest competitor had a three-day turnaround before we could have searchable attributes on a contract that we put in the system. Now, the process is streamlined and accessible. Our executives reach out daily to see where things are or to ask questions about contracts, and we can answer these questions faster. All employees have insight into their tickets; they can comment on them and add details. That is not something we had before."

- Casey Ralston, Paralegal, Command Alkon

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About Command Alkon

Command Alkon is a world-renowned provider of software and technology solutions for ready mix, concrete products, asphalt, aggregate, and cement suppliers. Drawing on more than 45 years of industry expertise, Command Alkon offers services and products that enable heavy building materials suppliers to enhance production and quality control, streamline dispatch and trucking operations, and boost office efficiency and performance.

Key Results.


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Transitioning from Manual to Automated CLM Processes

Streamlining Contract Creation and Approvals

Promoting Scalability and User Adoption


Growing pains are natural for thriving companies. For Command Alkon, managing contracts with legal pads and Jira was a constant source of inefficiency and unreliability. Their manual processes couldn't keep up with the expanding business operations and complex contracts, and the absence of an approval structure made tracking and managing specific requirements even harder.

Recognizing the need for a change, Command Alkon implemented IntelAgree, drawn to its AI-powered capabilities. This transition dramatically streamlined their processes, making contract turnaround faster and improving user interaction. IntelAgree also introduced a robust approval matrix essential for global operations, enhancing visibility and providing valuable reporting features for executives.

Initially used for a limited set of contracts, Command Alkon quickly expanded IntelAgree's scope due to its effectiveness. Users can now independently create documents and obtain approvals, reducing the legal team's workload. IntelAgree's collaborative approach also ensures continuous improvement and high user adoption, consistently meeting Command Alkon's evolving needs.





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Manual workflow management involving legal pads and Jira, leading to unreliability and inefficiency.

Limited contract management capabilities inadequate for expanding business operations and complex contracts.

Lack of approval structure complicating tracking and managing specific approval requirements.


Transitioning from Manual to Automated CLM Processes

Before IntelAgree, Command Alkon's manual processes were proving inefficient and time-consuming. Casey Ralston, paralegal at Command Alkon, recalls, "When I first started, our contract attorney managed his workflow on a legal pad, which wasn't very reliable. We tried to create our own contract management platform using Jira, and it just did not work out.  Basically, we were trying to create a contract system ourselves on a platform that wasn't really designed for that. The system required constant manual checking and lacked effective notifications for incoming tickets. The approvals were the real problems though, because we had to go in and manually set approvals, then manually ask people to go in and approve. It was not user-friendly at all, especially for anybody on the management level."

The transition to IntelAgree came after vetting different platforms, with IntelAgree's AI capabilities being the decisive factor. "IntelAgree was able to read the contracts and turn them around faster. The next closest competitor had a three-day turnaround before we could have searchable attributes on a contract that we put in the system," Casey notes. Now, the process is streamlined and accessible. "Our executives reach out daily to see where things are or to ask questions about contracts, and we can answer these questions faster. All employees have insight into their tickets; they can comment on them and add details. That is not something we had before."

Implementing IntelAgree also helped Command Alkon establish a robust approval matrix, essential for managing its expansive global operations. "We started in 1976 in Alabama, and over the years we have grown significantly into the global company that we are today. " Casey explains. "We couldn't rely on legal pad contracts anymore because we are reviewing and managing contracts from France, Brazil, Canada, and various other countries. It also helps us meet the requirements of our ownership, ensuring all approval processes are properly managed and documented." Users, including executives, appreciate the ease of accessing and tracking contracts. "Now, we have the option to have a report emailed out to the CEO, giving him constant insight into what's going on," Casey adds. "It provides more visibility into the status and progress of our contracts, which is invaluable."


Streamlining Contract Creation and Approvals

Command Alkon's ability to update and manage contract templates internally, without relying on vendor support, has significantly enhanced their operational efficiency. As Casey notes, " I can go in and create contracts and update the templates — the actual template agreements — immediately, instead of waiting for someone from the IntelAgree team to do that for us." This autonomy not only saves valuable time but also empowers the team to pivot quickly as business needs evolve.

Managing approvals for contracts with varying values and requirements also became more structured and transparent with IntelAgree. Before adopting IntelAgree, there was no formal approval structure, leading to inefficiencies and oversights. "Before we had IntelAgree, there really wasn't an approval structure built out. The reviewing attorney would get the required approvals on an individual basis before approving for legal, so if legal approved you could rely on the agreement being approved. Then our ownership introduced a detailed matrix requiring specific approvals based on dollar amounts and other factors. Managing this manually was impossible," Casey elaborated. With IntelAgree, Command Alkon can track approvals accurately, ensuring no step is overlooked. "We have anywhere from two to ten approvals now, depending on the contract and its value, significantly enhancing our compliance and accountability," Casey added.


Promoting Scalability and User Adoption

Command Alkon's journey with IntelAgree began by initially managing a limited set of contract types, including NDAs and vendor agreements. Over time, however, the company expanded its use of IntelAgree to manage a range of templates, including customer agreements and HR documents. "People can go into IntelAgree now and create their own documents, get the right approvals, and it doesn't always have to have legal sign-off," Casey noted.

IntelAgree's hands-on partnership approach has been instrumental in this expansion, as well as the overall implementation. "IntelAgree made it easy for us. Even though there was a lot of information going in, it wasn't overwhelming on our end because we were doing this while handling our full-time jobs," Casey mentioned.  

Furthermore, Command Alkon appreciates the direct involvement with IntelAgree’s development team, which fosters a sense of collaboration and continuous improvement. "I've actually been on some calls with IntelAgree's development team to discuss different features we'd like to see," Casey added. "This is huge for me because it makes me feel like we're all a team here, trying to accomplish this together." 

Ready to upgrade your contract management processes? Schedule a demo now and discover how you can streamline your processes and enhance efficiency and compliance. 

Ready to simplify the way you manage contracts?

That's what we do best. 

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